
Technology + Education + New Media

A Brief History Of User Experience Design | Co.Design | business + design


Fast Company has a great article on the history of User Experience.

A Brief History Of User Experience Design | Co.Design | business + design.

It’s a good article on the origins of UX going all the way back to da Vinci. It mentions the fact that thousands of jobs are currently available in the field and that is expected to continue to grow. There are not enough UX professionals to fill the void, its a good time to transition into the field if you currently in a complimentary position.

Here is a brief excerpt from the article:

Circa 1430: Leonardo da Vinci’s “kitchen nightmare”
Michael Gelb’s wonderful book How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci: Seven Steps To Genius Every Day recounts the story of the Duke of Milan commissioning da Vinci to design the kitchen for a high-profile feast. The great maestro took the job on with his usual inventive flair. In what is considered the first use of the technology (hundreds of years before the Industrial Revolution) da Vinci designed and employed conveyor belts to transport food items to the preparers. He also built what is likely the first sprinkler system for safety measures.


Read the rest of the article here

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